
Thursday, February 8, 2007

medEVOL literature...

Medieval Lit was more like Medieval Torture today. As I described it, the prof is like playing Password with an asshole. She suggests something in the vaguest possible sense, drops a subtle hint and then asks us what we think she's getting at. And then stares at us in abject horror as we don't get it. Tension builds. We, with increasing nervousness, attempt to READ HER MIND, while she sits there staring at us.

And that's pretty much how class goes.

Please. If any of you (you, non-readers) are going to becoming college professors....actually teach.

It's a required class, though, and I like the reading, it's just...ergh! Why did someone have to take something so interesting and make it so completely boring. And tense! I have so many friends in that class and we're all staring at eachother the whole time -- "Do you know what she's talking about? No? Fuck!".

I'm looking forward to the Revelations though. (Julian of Norwich).

I'm listening to Decemberunderground at the moment. I don't understand why people don't like this album. Loooove. It DOES sound like AFI to me, and I've been listening to them for years -- if you listen to the chord choices, the progressions, the lyrics. There are thoughtful repetitions in there that recall earlier albums...and the more electronic sound is something that has been coming for a long time. Besides, the movement from an album focused on rebirth/reincarnation/cycles of life to an album with an emphasis on undeath and afterlife is really fascinating to me. I have to go back and look at Art of Drowning to see if it's death-focused, at least any more so than any other AFI album.


Clearly I'm into the esoteric tonight. Hmm.


Pop-Punk Junkie said...

in regards to decemberunderground: i think it still sounds like afi, but it feels like they watered it down - i got bored halfway through and that made me sad.

faye said...

Aw. Well, I can understand that. To me, it still feels high energy, but it's definitely a different KIND of energy...a little less aggressive. And I can see how that would be startling.

faye said...

Dear old me: this is pretty funny in retrospect.