
Sunday, January 6, 2013

as a weird aside

i'm pretty sure my title typeface is the font from Les Miserables.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Post

Testing out a new layout for Rachel.

Wow, this editor has gotten....weird.

Let's try throwing a video in here.

Apparently you guys will pay more attention if I write in pretty freaking short sentences. It's a good thing I have more trust in my readership (really not MY readership), than that. But just in case you all hate long sentences, the editor lets me move the video to the left or right instead of plunking it down in the center, so that your brains don't have to process a lot of information all at once.  Not really a fan of how it shoves it right up against the video though. Maybe if I fuss with the HTML that will look better?

Not a bad invention. 

Friday, July 24, 2009

testing testing

Testing out a layout for my friend Rachel over at Deeply Problematic: so none of these titles/backgrounds are relevant to me although they are of my making ;) Go check her out!

It's good to have some web design work, but I have to say, in the name of user-friendliness Google/Blogger has crafted some of the CRAZIEST html/css I have ever seen in my life. Whoa.

I probably should have just come up with my own template at this point.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lalala, wandering back here again. It's been, what, two years?

I suppose I should find something to actually blog about :D I keep meaning to, but I have a livejournal to record my everyday life, and I don't know that I have anything important to really SAY. Hmm.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


New layout!

Friday, April 6, 2007

walking in straight lines

Wow, I completely forgot I had this thing. That's what school will do to you, I guess?

So - big news, I got an internship at TMG (The Militia Group) for the summer! I'll be living in LA with the lovely writer of Pop Punk Junkie and my girlfriend Jessi as well as possibly a friend from DC. Since I'll probably be dead over finals, I may be coming back to this blog as an internship journal (as well as my observations about Los Angeles)?

Today we got the long-awaited new silverchair CD, Young Modern. Everyone should check it out, although right now I'm pretty sure it's only released in Australia. (Yeah, that's right, we got it shipped from AUS - we're obsessive - but it's great. It's got serious R&B and jazz influences in some songs, some new wave, and even some Bowie and Queen undertones along with the alt rock. It's very different from their earlier releases, but not in a way that completely breaks from the silverchair sound...(IS there a silverchair "sound"?). Their single, Straight Lines, is very upbeat and a nice transition from Diorama. They've also dropped their old label, and if this sound is any indication it seems to be working well for them.

Their tour footage also seems to be great. All their dates in the States sold out - I'm crossing my fingers for a bigger tour - and their single has already gone gold in Australia. (The new, improved and healthy!) Daniel Johns is definitely embracing his role as frontman; everyone looks very comfortable with eachother after their 5 year break and more than happy to be on the road.

So, in conclusion, awesome, and everyone should check them out.
Also - new layout coming soon!

PS: I'm getting serious...junioritis? spring fever? Can't wait for summer.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

medEVOL literature...

Medieval Lit was more like Medieval Torture today. As I described it, the prof is like playing Password with an asshole. She suggests something in the vaguest possible sense, drops a subtle hint and then asks us what we think she's getting at. And then stares at us in abject horror as we don't get it. Tension builds. We, with increasing nervousness, attempt to READ HER MIND, while she sits there staring at us.

And that's pretty much how class goes.

Please. If any of you (you, non-readers) are going to becoming college professors....actually teach.

It's a required class, though, and I like the reading, it's just...ergh! Why did someone have to take something so interesting and make it so completely boring. And tense! I have so many friends in that class and we're all staring at eachother the whole time -- "Do you know what she's talking about? No? Fuck!".

I'm looking forward to the Revelations though. (Julian of Norwich).

I'm listening to Decemberunderground at the moment. I don't understand why people don't like this album. Loooove. It DOES sound like AFI to me, and I've been listening to them for years -- if you listen to the chord choices, the progressions, the lyrics. There are thoughtful repetitions in there that recall earlier albums...and the more electronic sound is something that has been coming for a long time. Besides, the movement from an album focused on rebirth/reincarnation/cycles of life to an album with an emphasis on undeath and afterlife is really fascinating to me. I have to go back and look at Art of Drowning to see if it's death-focused, at least any more so than any other AFI album.


Clearly I'm into the esoteric tonight. Hmm.

is it like this in death's other kingdom

New layout, tentatively? :D

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

hello, new journal thing.

So...I appear to have a new journal. How interesting.

I have really no idea what I'm writing about today. Although I got all my classes! So far I'm taking
Intro To Photography
Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality

Medieval Literature
Lavender Screen: Lesbian Cinema

I have approximately 80000 pages of reading. Gah.
I'm also slightly afraid this is going to mean I don't have a chance at going to concerts (let's forget for a moment that I have no money anyway), what with all the homework, but we'll see how that goes. The readings look excellent even if they are extensive, and the teachers are, for the most part, pretty awesome.

And I've got Fridays off.

There will be music in my life. There always is.